Monday, September 8, 2008


Up I went one fine day

From a salty swelling sea

Weightless I was n filed with rapture

As I was a free lone cloud

Soon I got a naughty friend

Who filled my mind with tales of freedom

She pushed me up till the edge of sky

And nudged my soul to gaze at stars

Transfixed I gazed with bated breath

And thought about things they knew

Alone they stood amidst the dark

Pregnant and full with truths and blaze

Soon I had to look around

For my naughty playful friend

She was gone as she was the wind

And her kind don’t stay on an on

I had a glimpse of a world

Filled with grandeur, truths, and blaze

But with out wind propping me up

I had to make my journey back

Slowly I fell deep in thought

With my knowledge weighing me down

The vision of freedom was proving too heavy

For this lonely little cloud

Coalesce I did to one big blob

As I made my sorry trip

Sea was there to take me back

And make me one with her bulk

Crashed I did to that salty tomb

With the thoughts of stars and their truths

Now I swim amidst the fish

Hoping to gaze as I once did